M.S. in Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science

Archived Seminars

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Fall 2023

Research Seminar Series (CBES602)

Date Speaker Affiliation Title
Aug 28 Dr. Noelani Puniwai University of Hawaiʻi ʻOiwi Stories; Climate change, management, and restoryation
Sep 18 Moana Ulu Ching, Corie Yanger, Shalan Crysdale Conservation International, Three Mountain Alliance, The Nature Conservancy Finding funding: Grant Writing and Reporting Strategies for Graduate Students, Researchers, & NGOs PANEL FOCUS: Tips and tricks for successful grant searching, writing, & reporting
Sep 25 Dr. Celia Bardwell-Jones Philosophy and Gender & Women's Studies, UH Hilo What does Decolonial Conservation Ethics Look LIke? Rethinking the Nature of Elemental Nature
Oct 2 Dr. Scott A. Bonar USGS Arizona Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, University of Arizona How you can ethically influence people about natural resources conservation
Oct 9 Dr. Travis S. Mandel Department of Computer Science, UH Hilo Exploring and Developing Computer Vision Algorithms for Hawaiʻi Island Datasets
Oct 16 Franny Kinslow Brewer Big Island Invasive Species Committee Utilizing Social Psychology to Enhance Conservation Behavior
Oct 23 Dr. Rosie ʻAnolani Alegado Sea Grant College Program, Microbial Ecology & Evolution in Hawaiʻi Laboratory, Ulana ʻIke Sea Grant Center of Excellence, SOEST Maile Mentoring Bridge Program, Center for Microbial Oceanography O ke kahua ma mua, ma hope o ke kūkulu: What is Indigenous data sovereignty & knowledge stewardship?
Oct 30 Dr. Amber Wright School of Life Sciences UH Mānoa Behavior, Population, and Community Ecology
Nov 6 Dr. Susan Cordell Forest Service, Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry, Pacific Southwest Research Station Restoration of Hawaiian Ecosystems – a personal journey
Nov 13 Dr. Patrick Hart Department of Biology, UH Hilo How bird song can inform conservation and management of Hawaiʻs birds
Nov 20 Dr. Erica Newman Department of Integrative Biology University of Texas at Austin Towards a dynamic macroecology
Nov 27 Dr. Andrew J Rominger School of Life Sciences, UH Mānoa Data hungry models and data ethics in the study of biodiversity on Indigenous homelands
Dec 4 Dr. David Hembry Department of Biology, University of Texas Permian Basin Coevolution and macroevolution of leafflower trees (Phyllanthaceae: Glochidion) and leafflower moths (Lepidoptera: Epicephala) in Southeastern Polynesia and the Pacific

Fall 2022

Research Seminar Series (CBES602)

Date Speaker Title Affiliation
Aug 29 Noelani Puniwai, PhD Oceanic insights: A weaving of Indigenous ways of knowing the kai UH Mānoa, Kamakakūokalani Center for Hawaiian Studies
Sep 19 Celia T. Bardwell-Jones, PhD What would a Decolonial Conservation Ethics look like? UH Hilo
Sep 26 Panelists:
Moana Ulu Ching,
Colleen Cole, &
Shalan Crysdale
Moderator: Lisa Canale
Finding funding: Grant writing & reporting strategies for graduate students, researchers, & NGOs Conservation International
Three Mountain Alliance
The Nature Conservancy
UH Hilo, Office of Research
Oct 3 Rebecca Chong, PhD, & Megan Porter, PhD Hawaiian lava tube biology and evolution along the space-time continuum UH Mānoa, School of Life Sciences
Oct 10 Scott A. Bonar, PhD & Author Verbal Judo! A Method to Improve Your Ability to Talk to Those Hostile to Conservation Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Arizona, American Fisheries Society
Oct 17 Franny Kinslow Brewer Utilizing social psychology to enhance conservation behavior Big Island Invasive Species Committee
Oct 24 Jay W. Davis Roads to Ruin or Treading Water: How Contaminants in Stormwater Runoff Impact Aquatic Critters U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (retired)
Oct 31 Jesse A. Eiben, PhD Applied insect conservation management research in HI and PA: Insect biodiversity monitoring from Maunakea to the Appalachians Department of Biology, Geology, & Environmental Sciences, PennWest California
Nov 7 Matthew L. Knope, PhD The research projects of four recent TCBES graduates: from the ecology of Hawaiian plants, fungi, algae, and invertebrates to global assessments of extinction risk in vertebrates UH Hilo
Nov 14 Trisha Atwood, PhD Managing and protecting carbon stored in marine sediments: A challenge for marine conservation Professor of Watershed Sciences and the Ecology Center
Nov 21 Lillian J. Tuttle Raz, PhD Think Global, Act Local: Stewardship of Coral Reefs Facing Multiple Coastal Stressors Hawai'i Cooperative Fishery Research Unit, UH Hilo
Nov 28 Dr. Rebecca (Becky) Ostertag Hybrid Ecosystems and Forest Restoration: Lessons from Hawaiʻi Professor, Biology and TCBES, University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo
Dec 5 Stella Capoccia, PhD Waterfowl migration, protection, and mitigation efforts at the Berkeley Pit, Butte, Montana (In person) Department of Biological Sciences, Montana Technological University

Spring 2022

Natural Resource Management Seminar Series (CBES603)

Date Speaker Title
Jan 24 Jessica Kirkpatrick Natural Resource Management on Maunakea
Jan 31 Lauren Van Heukelem & Carmelita Villalobos Hawaiian Monk Seal Stewardship: The Marine Mammal Center
Feb 7 Mark Manuel Connected by the Sea and Combating Debris in the Pacific
Feb 14 Malu Dudoit ʻO Ka ʻĀina Ke Kumu: A Glimpse Into Environmental Kinship Through Protocols and Land Acknowledgment
Feb 28 TCBES Grad Students Ignite Talks
Mar 7 TCBES Grad Students Ignite Talks
Mar 21 Elliott Parsons, PhD Moving toward to meaningful community engagement in Natural Resource Management
Mar 28 Sarah-Mae Nelson Social Emotional Resilience and Self Care in the Climate Context
Apr 4 Rhiannon “Rae” Tereari‘i Chandler-‘Īao, Lily Lee, & David Yogi Civility in Civic Engagement
Apr 11 Leslie Cole-Brooks, LLLC Environmental Advocacy and the Legislative Process
Apr 18 Springer Kaye Action in BIISC
Apr 25 Candace Fujikane, PhD Mapping Abundance
May 2 Luna Kekoa Holomua: Marine 30x30 – Our nearshore aquatic resources management plan for Hawai‘i

Fall 2021

Research Seminar Series (CBES602)

Date Speaker Title Affiliation
Aug 26 John Burns, PhD Personal Health in the Field of Conservation: Sourcing Grit & Courage [Closed section] UH Hilo, Marine Science
Sep 2 Noelani Puniwai, PhD Using Pono Science to Achieve an ʻĀina Momona UH Mānoa, Hawaiʻinuiākea School of Hawaiian Knowledge
Sep 9 Celia Bardwell-Jones, PhD
Margary Martin, PhD
Ethics of Diversity and Understanding Microaggressions in Conservation Fields UH Hilo
Sep 16 Panelists:
Shalan Crysdale
Megan Blazak
Colleen Cole
Moderator: Lisa Canale
Finding Funding: Grant Writing Strategies for Graduate Students, Researchers, & NGOs The Nature Conservancy
The Kohala Center
Three Mountain Alliance
UH Hilo, Office of Research
Sep 23 Panelists:
Ulu Ching
Tara Holitzki
Kalā Asing
Moderator: Lisa Canale
Professionalism in Conservation and Environmental Science Careers Conservation International- Hawaiʻi

Mauna Kea Forest Restoration Project
UH Hilo, Office of Research
Sep 30 Christopher Hawkins, PhD The Science of Stakeholders: The Human Dimensions of Conservation Planning and Quantitative Methods to Operationalize Them Sustainable Pacific Program, Lynker
Oct 7 Franny Kinslow Brewer Utilizing Social Psychology to Enhance Conservation Behavior Big Island Invasive Species Committee
Oct 21 Katelyn M. Cooper, PhD
Maya J. Munstermann, PhD student
Aspects of Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) That Improve Student Affective Outcomes School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University
Ecology and Evolution, Florida State University
Oct 28 Armando García-Ortega, PhD TCBES Students Only
The future of our seafood: Is sustainable production a reality or a fantasy?
College of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resource Management, UH Hilo
Nov 4 Haunani Kane, PhD Science in sacred spaces- reimagining native science and research in Pāpahanaumokuākea School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning,
Global Center for Discovery & Conservation Science, Tempe, AZ & Hilo, HI,
Arizona State University
Nov 18 Lisa Marrack, PhD Assessing the response of groundwater-fed anchialine pool ecosystems to sea level rise on the island of Hawaiʻi UH Hilo Marine Ecosystem Research Program,
Santa Catalina School State University
Dec 2 José Cerca, PhD A chromosome-resolved genome of Darwin’s giant daisy trees (Scalesia; Galápagos endemics) shows the genomic basis of the plant island syndrome Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Spring 2021

Natural and Cultural Resource Seminar Series (CBES603)

Date Speaker Title
Jan-29 Kualii Camara, Nicholas Krueger, & Cheyenne Perry GORSE Panel
Feb-6 Ashley Morrow Natural System Technologies
Feb-12 Kealoha Pisciotta Koholā, Palaoa, and Kai Palaoa
Feb-19 Rhiannon "Rae" Tereariʻi Chandler-ʻIao Our Water, Our Health
Feb-26 Dr. Sue Jarvi COVID-19
Apr-9 Alex Wang Finding uaʻu in Kohala

Fall 2020

Research Seminar Series (CBES602)

Date Speaker Title Affiliation
Aug 28 John Burns, PhD Personal Health in the Field of Conservation: Sourcing Grit & Courage [Closed section] UH Hilo, Marine Science
Sep 4 Celia Bardwell-Jones, PhD Ethics in Conservation UH Hilo, Environmental Health & Safety Office
Sep 11 Noelani Puniwai, PhD Pono Science UH at Mānoa, Hawaiʻinuiākea School of Hawaiian Knowledge
Sep 18 Panelists:
Springer Kaye,
Ulu Ching,
Megan Blazak, &
Moderator: Sharon Ziegler-Chong
Finding Funding: Grant Writing Strategies for Graduate Students, Researchers, & NGOs Big Island Invasive Species Committee (BIISC),
Conservation International - Hawaiʻi,
The Kohala Center,
Director, Research & Community Partnerships, UH Hilo
Sep 25 Panelists:
Colleen Cole,
Amanda Uowolo, &
Kalā Asing, &
Moderator: Terrilani Chong, PhD
Professionalism & Career Growth in the Field of Conservation UH Mānoa
Three Mountain Alliance,
Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry USDA-Forest Service, &
Mauna Kea Forest Restoration Project;
Moderator: UH Hilo, Office of Research
Oct 2 Christopher Hawkins, PhD The Science of Stakeholders: The Human Dimensions of Conservation Planning and Quantitative Methods to Operationalize Them Sustainable Pacific Program, Lynker
Oct 9 Franny Kinslow Brewer Utilizing Social Psychology to Enhance Conservation Behavior Big Island Invasive Species Committee
Oct 16 Noa Kekuewa Lincoln Historical and Modern Ecology of Kukui (Aleurites moluccanus) College of Tropical Agriculture & Human Resources, UH Mānoa
Oct 23 Sheina B. Sim, PhD Fruit flies when you're having fun: a brief introduction to tephritid genomics and implications for the sterile insect technique USDA-ARS Daniel K. Inouye U.S. Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center
Oct 30 M. Renee Bellinger, PhD Hawaiian taro: an exploration of genetic history, genome architecture, and disease resistance Hawai'i Cooperative Studies Unit, Department of Biology, UH Hilo
Nov 6 Peter Sadowski, PhD AI Applications for Sustainability Information and Computer Sciences Department, UH Mānoa
Nov 13 Jamison Gove, PhD The Importance of Ocean Processes in Shaping Nearshore Marine Ecosystems in Hawaiʻi Ecosystem Sciences Division, NOAA's Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center
Nov 20 Robin Martin, PhD Unlocking the Functional Biogeography of Forests: Lessons Learned from Spectranomics School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, Arizona State University
Nov 27 N/A Non-instructional Day
Dec 4 Kristen C. Harmon, PhD Candidate Integrating Indigenous and Conventional Practices for the Recovery of Endangered Hawaiian Waterbirds College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

Spring 2020

Natural and Cultural Resource Seminar Series (CBES603)

Date Speaker Title Affiliation
Jan-17 Shawn Larson, Amy Olsen, Joel Holander, Kaela Wuesthoff Longitudinal study of West Hawaiʻi reef ecosystem, highlighting fish diversity and abundance, coral health, and water quality Seattle Aquarium
Jan-24 Lauren Kurpita Honu‘ea: the critically endangered Hawksbill turtle of Hawai‘i Island Director, Hawai‘i Island Hawksbill Turtle Recovery Project
Jan-31 Chris Farmer Saving Hawai‘i’s forest birds: translocations, climate change, and landscape-scale mosquito control Hawai‘i Program Director, American Bird Conservancy
Feb-7 Shawn Young Kootenai River Ecosystem Restoration: Hatcheries and Habitat Fish Restoration and Conservation Aquaculture Program Supervisor, Kootenai Tribe of Idaho
Feb-14 Jon Koch From pupation to flight: Adventures of a would-bee biologist Program Specialist, Pacific Islands Climate Adaptation Science Center
Feb-21 Darla J. White From UH at Hilo to Aquatic Resource Management and Research Professional in Hawaii - One Student's Journey Fisheries Habitat Specialist, Lynker Technologies, Hawaii, Eyes of the Reef Co-coordinator, Maui
Feb-28 Franny Kinslow Brewer Using the Science of Communication to (effectively!) Communicate Science Communications Director, Big Island Invasive Species Committee
Mar-6 IgniteTalk Student Presentations Seminar to end at ~5:00pm
Mar-27 Scott Laursen Engaging Collaborative Action through Socio-Ecological Change Program Specialist, Pacific Islands Climate Adaptation Science Center
Apr-17 Sierra McDaniel From the Brink of Extinction: Saving Rare Plants at Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park Botanist, Hawai'i Volcano National Park
Apr-24 Ulu Ching Kuleana: Yours, Mines, Ours Senior Program Manager, Conservation International Hawaiʻi
May-1 Corinna Pinzari ʻōpeʻapeʻa ecology and conservation research efforts Wildlife Biologist, Hawai'i Cooperative Studies Unit and USGS Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center

Fall 2019

Research Seminar Series (CBES602)

Date Speaker Title Affiliation
Aug-30 Ken Ikeda Biosafety Training with optional Bloodborne Pathogens Training UH Hilo Environmental Health & Safety Office
Sep-6 Dr. John Burns Personal Health in the Field of Conservation: Sourcing Grit & Courage - CBES602 enrolled students only UH Hilo, Marine Science
Sep-13 Springer Kaye, Megan Blazak, & Keahi Makaimoku Finding Funding: Grant Writing Strategies for Graduate Students, Researchers, and NGOs Big Island Invasive Species Committee, The Kohala Center, & Hau'oli Mau Loa Foundation, respectively
Sept-20 Colleen Cole, Amanda Uowolo, & Dr. Sonia Juvik Professionalism & Career Growth in the Field of Conservation Three Mountain Alliance watershed partnership, U.S. Forest Service, & UH Hilo, Geography and Environmental Studies, respectively
Sept-27 Frannie Kinslow Brewer Utilizing Social Psychology to Enhance Conservation Behavior Big Island Invasive Species Committee (BIISC)
Oct-4 Dr. Grady Weyenberg Diagnostic Accuracy of Coral Health Survey Methods UH Hilo, Mathematics
Oct-11 Dr. Nicole Hynson Fungi and their functions: from individuals to the globe Pacific Biosciences Research Center at UH Mānoa
Oct-18 Dr. Christopher Knudson The end of sugar and the start of a just transition of water in Maui, Hawai‘i UH Hilo, Geography and Environmental Studies
Oct-25 Dr. Sara Brownell Towards more inclusive active learning classrooms: How groups of students are differentially impacted by active learning School of Life Sciences Associate Professor at Arizona State University
Nov-1 Lucas Mead Loko iʻa rehabilitation: Grounding learning in places that feed us Kumuola Marine Science Education Center
Nov-8 Rebecca Most The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii Marine Program: Connecting Conservation, Culture, and Community The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii
Nov-15 Shea Uehana and Rob Hamnett The National Ecological Observatory Network: an open data resource for long-term ecological monitoring National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) Program
Nov-22 Dr. Ian Ware Climate mediates geographic patterns in eco-evolutionary plant-soil dynamics United States Forest Service
Dec-6 Dr. Katherine McClure Disease ecology of avian malaria in introduced and native birds in lowland Hawaiʻi Atkinson Postdoctoral Fellow, Cornell University

Spring 2019

Natural and Cultural Resource Seminar Series (CBES603)

Date Speaker Title Affiliation
Jan-18 Scott Laursen Engaging Collaborative Action through Socio-Ecological Change Pacific Island Climate Adaptation Science Center
Jan-25 Cheyenne Hiapo Perry Mauna Kea Watershed Alliance: E ho‘ohuli ka lima i lalo, grassroots management Mauna Kea Watershed Alliance
Feb-1 Lisa Spain & Anya Tagawa Science communication at ʻImiloa - CBES603 enrolled students only ʻImiloa Astronomy Center
Feb-8 Patrick Kim The importance of positive community engagement in the conservation efforts of the Hawaiian Monk Seal The Marine Mammal Center at Ke Kai Ola
Feb-15 Leah Sherwood, Thathmini Kularatna, Amanda Irish, Wilson Malone, David Arakawa, Erica Ta, and James Melcher TCBES Student Lightning Talks UH Hilo, TCBES
Feb-22 Petrisha Alvarez, Melanie Dudley, Blake Miles, Alexander Bischer, Bobbie Suarez, Maya Goodoni, and John Flint TCBES Student Lightning Talks UH Hilo, TCBES
Mar-1 Kelsey Meagher, Talavi Cook, Samantha Devivo, Emma Sinclair, Vanessa Zepeda, Bryan Tonga, Jazmine Panelo, and Kelsey Keister TCBES Student Lightning Talks UH Hilo, TCBES
Mar-8 Pelika Andrade Na Kilo ʻĀina: Building communities of keen observers Na Maka o Papahānaumokuākea
Mar-15 Springer Kaye Conservation in the Community Big Island Invasive Species Committee (BIISC)
Mar-22 Spring Break
Mar-29 Josh VanDeMark Rare Plant Conservation in Hawaiʻi Hawaiʻi Island Plant Extinction Prevention Program, Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit (PCSU)
Apr-5 Troy Sakihara Unfiltered: Aquatic Resource Management in Hawaiʻi Division of Aquatic Resources
Apr-12 11th Annual TCBES Research Symposium Campus Center 301 Symposium Information
Apr-19 Holiday: Good Friday
Apr-26 Heather Kimball From science to advocacy - how to do it and why we should Consultant, Pacific Science Advocacy

Fall 2018

Research Seminar Series (CBES602)

Date Speaker Title Affiliation
Sept-7 Riley Taitingfong Community engagement and gene drives: Challenges and ethical considerations University of California, San Diego
Sept-14 Melissa Johnson Developing Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) as a model system for understanding plant dispersal and diversification in the Pacific Basin USDA ARS
Sept-21 Kathleen Stacey Library Resources Mookini Library
Sept-28 TCBES instructors & guest speakers: (1)Ulu Ching, (2)Colleen Cole, & (3)Megan Blazak Finding funding: Strategies for graduate students (1)Conservation International, (2)Three Mountain Alliance, & (3)The Kohala Center
Oct-5 Thomas Ibanez From New Caledonia to Hawaii: Explaining variations in the composition and structure of tropical island forests at different spatial scales UH Hilo, Dept. of Biology
Oct-12 Chris Wall Physiological ecology of scleractinian reef corals HIMB
Oct-19 Shane Siers Research for reducing invasive predators impacts on Pacific Islands USDA Wildlife Services National Wildlife Research Center
Oct-26 Anthony Amend The mold that grows where no man has gone before: Using biogeography theory to put Hawaiian fungi on the map UH Mānoa, Dept. of Botany
Nov-2 Noelani Puniwai Seascape ecology: Knowing our oceans through times of change UH Mānoa, Dept. of Hawaiian Studies
Nov-9 John Burns Biomes to microbes: Harnessing technological advancements to identify physical and biological drivers of coral-reef dynamics UH Hilo, Dept. of Marine Science
Nov-16 Kealoha Kinney Nānā i ke kumu: Lessons of resilience from a Hawaiian sub-alpine dryland chronosequence USDA Forest Service, Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry
Nov-23 Thanksgiving Break
Nov-30 Susan Jarvi Rat lungworm disease: (caused by Angiostongylus cantonensis): Advances in research and education UH Hilo

Spring 2018

Natural Resource Management Series (CBES603)

Date Speaker Title Affiliation
Jan-22 TCBES 2017 Cohort Richard Masse, Gina McGuire, Bret Mossman,
Jake Rodrique, Jeremy Schrader, Katie Strong
Jan-29 TCBES 2017 Cohort Ricky Tabandera, Eszter Collier, Erin Netoskie,
Devon Aguiar, Marty Kawasaki, Maya Munstermann
Feb-5 TCBES 2017 Cohort Karen Gallardo Cruz, Sydney Gamiao, Clifford Kow,
Koa Matsuoka, Ashley Pugh, Jared Nishimoto
Feb-12 Bethany Morrison Natural resource based planning: a glimpse at long range planning in Hawaiʻi County of Hawaiʻi
Feb-26 Cheyenne Hiapo Perry Mauna Kea Watershed Alliance: E hoʻohuli ka lima i lalo, grassroots management Mauna Kea Watershed Alliance
Mar-5 Springer Kaye Pathways to Invasive Species Management Big Island Invasive Species Committee
Mar-12 Steve Kendall Following the Way of the Kolea from the Wilds of Alaska to the Hawaiian Forest: A Journey in Avian Conservation Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge
Mar-19 Elliott Parsons From Wilderness Survival to Wildlife Conservation: Reflections on my journey and lessons learned University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo
Apr-2 J.B. Friday Pathways from Ecology to Forestry and Agriculture CTAHR, Extension Forester
Apr-9 Natalie Kurashima My pathway in Malama ʻAina: ʻAina-based graduate research and Hawaiian resource management Kamehameha Schools
Apr-16 Kehau Springer Navigating TCBES Grad School and Landing my Job in Community-Based Ocean Stewardship Conservation International
Apr-23 Scott Laursen UH Hilo Manager Climate Corps: Collaborative Action Through Change Pacific Island Climate Adaptation Science Center, UHH
Apr-30 Moana "Ulu" Ching Community-based conservation: Bottom-up approaches to resource management at Conservation International Hawaiʻi Conservation International

Fall 2017

Research Seminar Series (CBES602)

Date Speaker Title Email address Affiliation
21-Aug Amy Saxton Introduction to Library Resources saxton@hawaii.edu UH Hilo Moʻokini Library
28-Aug Huihui Kanahele-Mossman O pihapiha. Where does the water go and where it came from, an brief look at Native Hawaiian ancestral Hydrology hkanahel@hawaii.edu UH Hilo Kipuka
4-Sep Holiday
11-Sep Matt Knope Ecology, evolution, and conservation of Hawaiian Asteraceae knope@hawaii.edu UH Hilo Biology
18-Sep Michael Shintaku Developing genetic tools for the protection and preservation of kalo mhshintaku@gmail.com UH Hilo CAFNRM
25-Sep Grant finding
2-Oct Chris Niebuhr Avian malaria transmission dynamics: a New Zealand perspective cniebuhr@gmail.com USDA
9-Oct Becky Ostertag Restoration of Hawaiian lowland wet forest using a hybrid ecosystem approach ostertag@hawaii.edu UH Hilo Biology
16-Oct Salma Arous Potyviruses detection strategies / new viruses detection via metagenomics salma.arous@ufl.edu
23-Oct Carter Atkinson Rapid detection methods and environmental sampling for the fungi that cause Rapid Ohia Death catkinson@usgs.gov USGS
30-Oct Kristina Paxton Loss of cultural diversity in native Hawaiian birds kristina.paxton@gmail.com UH Hilo TCBES
6-Nov Alison Greggor Using animal behavior and learning as conservation tools AGreggor@sandiegozoo.org Institute for Conservation Research, San Diego Zoo Global
13-Nov Martin Helmkampf The origin, phylogeny, and cultivation history of Hawaiian taros: a genome-wide SNP analysis mhelmkam@hawaii.edu UH Hilo
20-Nov Chad Wiggins How science stole my dream job and gave me a better one – from zeros to heroes for coral reefs in West Hawaiʻi cwiggins@tnc.org TNC
27-Nov Stephanie Yelenik Multi-trophic drivers of understory regeneration in restored koa forest syelenik@usgs.gov USGS
4-Dec Evan Rehm Rewilding a tropical island: lost frugivores and seed dispersal on Guam emrehm@gmail.com UC Santa Barbara

Spring 2017

Natural Resource Management Series (CBES603)

Date Speaker Title Affiliation
Feb-13 Lucas Mead, M.S. Your degree, your career, your community: finding balance County of Hawaiʻi
Feb-27 Corie Yanger, M.S. Building community understanding and engagement for Rapid ʻOhiʻa Death UHM-Komohana
Mar-6 Dr. Natalie Kurashima My pathyway in Malama ʻAina: ʻAina-based graduate research & Hawaiian resource management Kamehameha Schools
Mar-13 Rogelio Doratt, M.S. &
Josh Pang-Ching, M.S.
Coexistence the balance of supporting the military mission and managing endangered species Pohakuloa TA
Mar-20 Dr. Ishakh Thodi Invasive species research: An introduction to coffee berry borer in Hawaiʻi UHM-CTAHR
Apr-3 Troy S. Sakihara, M.S. All life aquatic and the duties of DAR DAR
Apr-10 Dr. Jonathan B. Koch Getting started as a successful proposal writer UH Hilo
Apr-17 Dr. Sheila McKenna Informing coral reef management decisions at four US national parks in the Pacific using long-term data Pacific Island Network, National Park Service
Apr-24 Dr. Ron Terry Observations on 25 Years of EIS Practice in Hawaiʻi Geometrician Assoc. LLC
May-1 Moana “Ulu” Ching, M.S. Community-based conservation: Bottom-up approaches to resource management at Conservation International Hawaiʻi Conservation International

Fall 2016

Research Seminar Series (CBES602)

Date Speaker Title Affiliation
Aug 22 Robin Baird Hawai‘i’s resident whales and dolphins: studies using satellite tagging, genetics, photo-identification, and habitat use Cascadia Research
Sep 12 Ron Swaisgood Approaches to species conservation science San Diego Zoo
Sep 26 Matt Knope Ecological differentiation and body size evolution in marine animals UH Hilo Biology
Oct 3 Tim Grabowski Suckers, bass, and 'o'opu: Protecting fluvial specialists trapped in an increasingly thirsty world UH Fisheries Coop Unit
Oct 10 Marina Karides Islandness and Social Research UH Hilo Sociology
Oct 17 Huihui Kanahele Mossman Haumea UH Hilo Kipuka
Oct 24 Anita Leinweber Seasonal to annual variability across a decade of observations for dissolved inorganic carbon in a coastal setting: results from a time-series station in Santa Monica Bay, CA UH Hilo Marine Science
Oct 31 Sahadev Sharma Impact of land use type on mangrove forest carbon stocks UH Manoa
Nov 7 Julian Dupuis Speciation, hybridization, and conservation quandaries in North American butterfly systems USDA Agricultural Research Service
Nov 14 Chris Balzotti Remote sensing: Reinventing landscape ecology Carnegie Institution, Stanford
Nov 21 Martin Helmkampf Holotranscriptome analysis reveals Symbiodinium clade identity may influence coral host gene expression UH Hilo - CREST Postdoc
Nov 28 Jolene Sutton Developing genomic resources to aid ‘alalā reintroductions UH Hilo Biology
Dec 5 Steve Hart Flying dust, melting snow, and giant trees: trials and tribulations of an ecosystem ecologist UC Merced

Spring 2016

Natural Resource Management Series (CBES603)

Date Speaker Title Affiliation
Jan 25 Katya Ovchinnikova &
Theodore Alexandrov
UC San Diego - Computation Methods in Life Science European Molecular Biology Laboratory,
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Feb 1 Jonathan Koch Why the bad buzz? Decline and conservation status of North America's bumble bee pollinators Utah State University & USDA-ARS Bee Biology, Management and Systematics Research Lab, Logan, UT
Feb 8 Eric Jang The zen of toilet paper collecting: 30 years thinking outside the box USDA-ARS U.S. Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center
Feb 22 Cheyenne Hiapo Perry E hoʻohuli ka lima i lalo, grassroots management Mauna Kea Watershed Alliance
Feb 29 Shalan Crysdale The Nature Conservancy
Mar 7 Bryce Masuda Captive breeding and release: An important tool for the recovery of endangered Hawaiian birds Keauhou Bird Conservation Center
Mar 14 Flint Hughes Rapid Ohia death USDA Forest Service, Institute of Pacific Island Forestry
Mar 28 Julien Petillon Sea, salt and sun: an intertidal spider life Universite de Rennes
Apr 4 Stephanie Yelenik The role of seed dispersal and grass competition in limiting natural understory regeneration in koa restoration sites USGS Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center
Apr 11 Rosemary Gutierrez Macademic nut pests Department of Plant & Environmental Protection Sciences, CTAHR
Apr 18 Peter Follett Flat bark beetle predators of the invasive pest coffee berry borer in Hawaii coffee: are there risks to augmentative biological control? USDA-ARS U.S. Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center