M.S. in Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science

Analytical Laboratory

The laboratory’s mission is to support research at the University of Hawaiʻi, with a primary focus on water quality and ecological research. The facility provides analytical services for researchers throughout the University of Hawaiʻi system, as well as for investigators from federal, state, and country agencies in Hawaiʻi and other universities.

The services provided by the laboratory include:

  • Nutrient analyses of water samples using a Lachat Quikchem 8500 (Lachat Hach Company)
  • Total organic carbon and total nitrogen analysis of water samples by high-temperature combustion using a TOC/TN Analyzer ( Shimadzu TOC-V, TNM-1)
  • Particulate carbon and nitrogen analyses of soils, sediments, plant materials, plankton and filters using high temperature combustion ( Costech Elemental Analyzer)
  • Stable isotopic analyses of particulate carbon and nitrogen for soils, plant materials, plankton, filters, and animal tissue samples using an Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (Thermo-Finnegan Delta V IRMS)
  • Elemental analysis of major and minor elements in water, plant materials, soils and sediments, and animal tissue using an ICP-OES Spectrometer (Varian Vista MPX)Nutrient analyses of KCl soil samples using an AutoAnalyzer (AAI, Pulse Instrumentation, Labtronics )

The UH Hilo Analytical Laboratory is utilized by: UH Hilo TCBES, UH Hilo Departments of Marine Science, Chemistry, Geology, Biology, Agriculture, and Aquaculture; UH Mānoa Departments of Oceanography, Geology, Botany, and College of Tropical Agriculture; USDA Forest Service; USGS- Biological Resources Discipline; National Park Service; State of Hawaiʻi Department of Health; Stanford University; UC-Berkeley; Oregon State University and UCLA.